
Barbie e l avventura nell oceano 2 (2012)

  • Messaggi
  • mastercinema
    00 26/03/2012 01:24
    ANIMAZIONE - 112 min -

    Merliah, la sirenetta principessa di Oceania e abile surfista grazie al suo aspetto umano, attraversa tutto l’oceano per arrivare in Australia, dove si svolgeranno le finali del campionato di surf a cui sta partecipando. La notizia che la cattiva Eris è fuggita dal vortice che la teneva prigioniera per mettere le mani sul trono di Oceania la spinge però a…

  • PMyqKDwjTRiwbO
    00 11/05/2013 13:13
    Bloom's been on Domino for some time, it's reasonable to asmuse that the some time is the space between season 4 and the movie; there are weeks or months that most likely have occured between the two. The events of Bloom's some time on Domino and the events of Season 4 could not have overlapped if they did, Bloom would have had to disappear completely for some episodes, which Rainbow wouldn't do.Tons of movie series have empty time occur between the separate films; most often events that occur over that time are briefly mentioned during the film itself. I'd say this is the most likely approach Rainbow will take.Plus, the whole point of Season 4 was all about Roxy and the Earth Fairies and Rainbow warming viewers up to the possibility of a new character and on a side-note, the Winx earning Believix. You couldn't possibly have had Season 4 occur on Domino or anywhere in the magic dimension if the focus was on Roxy, the last Earth Fairy.
  • oqeWwdVyJASKGuU
    00 14/05/2013 20:35
    KLhbu1 , [url=]gxnyeelgwqkg[/url], [link=]nzqfhrheujeq[/link],
  • njkwbyLQwaNCZleURRQ
    00 15/05/2013 02:16
    AhhhAp <a href="">dwhrroceeoqh</a>